Title ~ Broken Alpha (The Alpha/Omega Verse Book 1)
Author ~ DC Juris
Publisher ~ Torquere Press
Published ~ 12th January 2016
Genre ~ Sci Fi M/M Erotic Romance, Incest
Read more »Captain Korden Encarit of the North Star thought he'd lost the most important
person in the universe to him - his brother and lover, Rennett. A year later,
Rennett has been found alive, a captive on a hostile planet. Only when their
sibling link reactivates does Korden realize how bad the damage is: stripped of
his mental strength, Rennett is now a Broken Alpha. With the help of his friends
- ship's Malorcian healer, Sokel, and his fiery Human mate, Sebastian - Korden
must try and heal his brother's mind and help him adjust to his new status as
omega. But Rennett needs a mate, and it quickly becomes clear that no one is
willing. Will Korden give up everything he has worked for - his career, his ship
- buck Presidian tradition, and risk the scorn of their father to save his