Situado en la ciudad de Isfahán, esta elegante mezquita fue construida entre 1603 y 1619, durante el reinado del Sha Abbas.
"La estructura utiliza baldosas que cambian de color durante el día, pasando del crema al rosa", dice Khatam.
"Dentro del santuario uno se maravilla con la complejidad de los mosaicos que adornan los muros y el maravilloso techo, con sus motivos amarillos. La poca luz que se filtra a través de las ventanas produce un juego constante de luces y sombras".
Located in the city of Isfahan This elegant mosque was built between 1603 and 1619, during the reign of Shah Abbas.
Its name is a tribute to brother of the head, Sheikh Lotfollah, a prominent Lebanese Islam specialist.
“The structure uses tiles that change color throughout the day, from cream to pink,” said Khatam .
“In the sanctuary wonders with the complexity of the mosaics that adorn the walls and the wonderful roof with yellow patterns. The little light that filters through the windows produces a constant play of light and shadow “